P.6 Mock Interview (21st Dec. 2021, 4th & 6th Jan, 2022)

      Three-day secondary interview workshops were organized for P.6 students on the 21st December, 2021; 4th and 6th January, 2022. 

      We provided all the related materials to equip students’ basic knowledge about attending an interview. Information including self-introduction, current social issues, higher order thinking questions and interactive communication skills. 

      17 parent volunteers signed up for the workshops.  Students were put in small groups and came across as authentic in an interview with our parents. Individual feedback was given to students right after each interview session. Apart from being interviewed by our parents, peer observation was conducted among students in the same group as well.  The mock interview finished smoothly but more relevant practice should be provided to students in February or March so that students could be well prepared and build their confidence for the coming interviews.







Blessing of the Marian Grotto

Praise the Lord! On 23rd December, 2021 the Marian Grotto was blessed by our school Supervisor, Rev. Pierre Lam Minh, MEP.   A very large number of CMS’ members were present at the ceremony. The Grotto and the statue of Our Lady are situated in the school garden, alongside a beautiful modern sculpture which holds plants and flowers. This modern sculpture has many layers of shelves upon which flowers and plants are placed. The statue of Our Lady was purchased from Italy.

May Holy Mary, Patron Saint, keep watch over our school and bring peace of our hearts.

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