Positive Parenting Workshops 正向家長工作坊

2023-2024 CMS Home School Academy - Positive Parenting Workshops (Cohort 1)

We would like to congratulate 17 parents who successfully completed the 5 sessions of positive parenting workshop from 3rd December 2023 to 31st January, 2024. 

Parents engaged in activities to understand the importance of positive communication and empathy in nurturing healthy parent-child relationships. They shared different discipline strategies that focus on positive reinforcement and setting clear expectations. Practical examples and role-playing exercises allowed for hands-on learning and skill development. In the final session, we involved children which emphasizing the enduring bonds formed through shared experiences. Overall, the workshops provided an insightful and practical journey for parents, offering valuable tools and strategies to cultivate a positive and nurturing environment for their children.

2023-2024 CMS 家庭學校學院 - 正向家長工作坊(第 1 組)


家長積極的參與活動,從中了解正向溝通和同理心對於培養健康的親子關係的重要性。 導師分享了不同的策略去增強和設定明確的家長對正向教育的期望。 導師透過實用範例和角色扮演的方法,讓家長練習有關技能。 在最後一次課堂中,並邀請了我們讓孩子們參與其中,透過親子間共同經驗建立親密關係。 整體而言,研討會讓家長經歷了一次富有洞察力和實用性的旅程,學習到透過寶貴的工具和策略去為孩子創造一個積極正向的成長環境。


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