The 13th Annual General Meeting of the Parents-Teacher Association

The 13th Annual General Meeting of the Parents-Teacher Association was held on 22nd June, 2024. Over 100 parents and students attended. Our PTA Chairlady, Ms. Carmen Lo, provided a brief report on our achievements this year. There was an insightful sharing session by our "Dance Dad," which inspired parents and set a good example for their children. We strive for excellence at different stages of life. The P.6 Children Entrepreneur Program and the enrollment of 4A student Aiden Chow in the Junior Space Program concluded the annual meeting impressively. It was a fruitful annual meeting of the PTA.


家長教師會第十三屆週年大會已於2024年6月22日舉行,超過100位家長及學生出席。由家長教師會主席勞嘉雯女士簡告了本年的會務。 「舞爸爸」的精彩分享讓其他的家長得到很多的啟發,也為孩子們樹立了良好的榜樣。本校期望學生能追求卓越的承擔,本年度舉辦了小小企業家計畫,而4A學生周駿騰就著被錄取少年太空計畫的精彩分享為是次周件大會畫上了圓滿的句號。

IMG 5838 min

IMG 5843 min

IMG 5932 min




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